
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

So it's been quite awhile since I posted - mostly because life is crazy (although I'm beginning to wonder when it isn't!).  Here's the quick update:
  • My Nana has gone to be with Jesus after a very short and difficult fight with pancreatic cancer.  I'm sure I will blog about it when I get a chance, but it's been a walk where I've been so grateful for the faith that I have and the promise that God gives us comfort, so that we can comfort others.  I was so impressed by my mom & aunt as they went through this tough time and leaned on each other and God through it all. 

  • I will not be returning to teaching next year.  The school year is wrapping up and I'm trying hard to stay focused as I feel very "done" with it all.  On a good note, my students seem to finally be "getting it" - at least what we're doing right now!  For a multiplicity of reasons I've decided that God has closed this door (he had to slam it in my face, which wasn't very comfortable for me, but at least it was clear!).  Now I am working through the process of figuring out what I'm supposed to do - knowing that I have to have some sort of income or give up the house and a car. 

  • Maddie is growing like a weed and I am loving every minute (mostly!) of it.  Her vocabulary is amazing to me - every day it seems like she has 2 or 3 more words than the day before.  Her little personality is blooming, and while it appears that we are entering the "terrible two" phase - lots of pouting and some tantrums here and there, I am also enjoying watching her develop and all the little things she can do now.

  • We're starting the process of developing small groups at church.  Our first planning meeting was tonight and we had about 22 people show up - and 6 couples that couldn't make it.  So it appears that we will be splitting off a little earlier than planned - which is a good thing.  We're praying about the role that God wants us to take in the whole process.  I'm excited about it - the last church we attended had "life groups", and we really enjoyed the community we became a part of.  I'm ordering the book Creating Community by Andy Stanley to learn a little more about building small groups.

Finding the balance between keeping all the little things done and building the relationships that make life matter is a tough job to handle.  I'm discovering that the more I put it into God's hands, the more productive and peaceful I am.  :-) 

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