
Monday, January 18, 2010

About Me

I'm a working mom who currently teaches 8th grade intensive & advanced math, but would rather be at home.
At the same time, I think I would absolutely love teaching gifted students & am currently working on adding that endorsement to my teaching certificate.
I have an 18-month-old who is adorable (of course!) and a source of infinite joy
I am married to my best friend, who is the most supportive husband I could ever ask for.
We have an "adopted" college student who is half-way through her freshman year.
I lead the college group at my church, and I hope to guide them as they build relationships with God & each other.
I always have more things to do than hours in the day.
I love to write & hope you enjoy your time at my blog!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So in reading various blogs around the web, I had this *brilliant* idea to start my own - if for no other reason than to satisfy my "itch" to write and feel like someone's reading it (thanks, by the way).  I titled my blog the "semi-productive mommy" because, let's face it, some days are productive and others, well... if I can get out of the house with make-up on my face and make sure everyone is fed before it's time to hit the sack, that's a good day.  I have this dream that one day my blog will be beautiful and fun to read - along with all the cutesy things that I see on other people's blogs, but it might be summer before that happens...

So thanks for joining me on the adventure!

Productivity status today:  living room & kitchen straightened enough to have company over. :-) not that you can tell now....